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Psychology Session


Whether you have your education on pause short-term or long-term, I imagine it was not an easy decision for you to make that decision. Throughout my career as a psychologist in both university and private practice settings, I have met so many individuals who have chosen to put their college or graduate education on hold for multitude of reasons–to take care of mental / physical health, to provide care for loved ones, to save up necessary funds, or just to see what else is out there–just to name a few.  Regardless of your reasons for deciding to put your educational goal on hold, there may be a part of you who are hoping to return to school and finish your degree program, if you are reading this.  No matter how committed you are to becoming a student again, I am here to help you “get in shape” to return to your school in ways such as:  

  • Providing a safe space for you to process your decision to take a break from your educational goals

  • Helping you clarify your life goals and values, and how compatible they are to your academic / professional aspirations, and make decisions you’re less likely to regret

  • Equipping you with helpful tools to survive and thrive in  your busy life as a student

  • Assisting you in identifying potential factors that may impact your progress towards your academic goals (e.g., mental/physical health, relationships, etc.) 

Regardless of what academic institution you’re hoping to return to finish your degree, please contact me to add me to part of your support system to realize your educational goals. 

Wanna Go Back to School?: About Me


2419 Coit Rd., Ste. C
Plano, TX 75075

©2022 by Yu Harumi, PhD, PLLC. Proudly created with

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